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Business Management



Tips and tools to help you streamline and scale your online business.


Learn about the Google Drive Template Gallery feature, why you need it, and get a step-by-step walkthrough to set it up for your account.

How to create templates in Google Drive Template Gallery

Laptop on a table with a screenshot of Google Drive Template Gallery

Asana vs. ClickUp — When it comes to project management, choosing the right tool for your business is so important.

Asana vs. Clickup: Why I use Asana with my clients

One of the best kept secrets in Gmail is the email alias, also known as an alternate email address. Learn how to setup an alias in Gmail in this post.

How to Create a Gmail Alias

Asana is a brilliant project and task management tool, it’s one I’ve been using for years, and setup for all of my OBM clients. There is so much that you can do with Asana, the possibilities are darn near endless. I love learning tips and tricks that help me save time (and sanity!) which is why I wanted to share 5 of my favorite tips for using Asana.

How to use 5 simple Asana hacks for your business to save you time

Whether you run a one-woman show or have an awesome team by your side, you need to be using a project management system like Asana. Get a birds eye view of what Asana can do and some of my favorite ways to use it.

What is Asana and how does it work?

If seeing all of your tasks in Asana feels daunting and you don’t know where to start or what you should work on this week, a This Week board might be for you. In this post I’m diving into what it is and how to setup one up.

How to use a This Week board in Asana

If you’ve been looking to figure out how to organize the tasks that have been assigned to you in Asana so you know what you need to do today, this week or next week, the My Tasks feature is a great option. I’ll dive into how to use this feature so you can start tackling that to do list.

How to use the My Tasks feature in Asana

Creating an email signature is something I get asked about a lot actually, a lot of people want to know how I created my email signature because it’s got my photo in it. So here’s a quick tutorial on how to create a custom gmail signature. Having a customized email signature is a great way to show more of your personality, give those you’re emailing a peek at your beautiful face, and share a little bit more about you/your business.

How to create a custom Gmail email signature

I love seeing inbox zero or almost inbox zero, it brings just that much more peace of mind to me at the end of the day. And honestly, it’s actually not as hard as it seems. If your inbox is currently overflowing (I’m talking to you over there with the 365+ unread emails) I’ll be honest, it will take a little bit of time to clean everything up, but not as much as you’d actually think if you follow some of the tips below.

4 Things you need to do to when you open your inbox

It can sometimes be controversial, the whole inbox zero concept. When it’s done not in a stressful or obsessive way, it can be really good. I’m a huge inbox zero (or almost zero) fan and love the peace of mind and the amount of stress it reduces seeing how little there is in my inbox.

How to set up labels and sections in your inbox

Struggling to set (and keep) goals for your business?

Grab the Strategic Goal Setting Guide to help you choose the goals to focus on for the next 90-days, determine how you'll measure success, create a plan, and break it down into manageable bites.

Struggling to set (and keep) goals for your business?

Grab the Strategic Goal Setting Guide to help you choose the goals to focus on for the next 90-days, determine how you'll measure success, create a plan, and break it down into manageable bites.